my favourite will be the nakiri knife

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Do you have a favourite knife?

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I know that the visual arts aren't exactly cooking but to ME both are forms of art. If you rush when painting, etc. you are more likely to drop your paints, etc. and cause a mess. There are also loads of instruments that you use in art and can actually harm yourself with if you rush. Just as noted here. I find mistakes to be a learning lesson anyway. It's better to make mistakes and learn from them; than to give up and learn nothing. Personally, I've made about a billion mistakes over that years but learned from each and every one of them. I don't really cook though... I have made up recipes, etc. but mainly just for fun. It was interesting that you wrote about someone chopping off their thumb. My elementary school teacher chopped his off while working on art. His thumb was chopped off down to his knuckle from what I remember though. There was only a little part of it left. That helped me slow down a bit and not rush so much.

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I think cooking and visual arts must have lots of similarities. That’s great to hear the article resonated with your own experiences - we must look after those thumbs eh?! Thanks for writing such a thoughtful reply.

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